Driver Guide

How to Update Broadcom BCM20702A0 Drivers? A Beginner’s Guide

Broadcom BCM20702A0 is a Bluetooth driver that works in sync with the existing Bluetooth adapter allowing connections with certain components of your Windows PC. Some PCs come with the BCM20702A0 driver, and some require it later. 

Usually, users need to realize that a dedicated driver is responsible for Bluetooth connectivity issues they might need to take care of. This means they have no idea if the existing driver needs an update or how to update drivers. 

If you are facing issues with your Bluetooth connection lately, this driver is likely causing it. In this blog, let us look at ways you can update BCM20702A0 drivers along with signs that the driver needs updates

We will also tell you about a quick way you can use to keep all your drivers up to date regularly, so make sure you do not skip on this one!

Shall we begin?

Common BCM20702A0 Driver Errors – Signs That Your Bluetooth Driver Needs an Update!

There are multiple known errors related to BCM20702A0 drivers. Some are related to connectivity with a certain type of device, while some show up when your operating system is not working in sync with Bluetooth. 

Some of the common issues that you might encounter are – 

  • The BCM20702A0 driver is missing
  • The BCM20702A0 driver not responding
  • Can’t find the BCM20702A0 driver
  • Can’t install the BCM20702A0 driver
  • Can’t remove the BCM20702A0 driver

These errors appear when there is an issue with Bluetooth connectivity and its communication with the operating system. All these errors revolve around drivers and thus can be easily resolved by updating your Broadcom drivers.

Now keep in mind that the BCM20702A0 drivers are mysterious. They are not the forefront players and keep appearing and disappearing from the Device Manager. This is also why many users cannot find the driver and update it. 

Now you might be wondering how to update a driver that does not exist. Well, that is why we have curated this post! Check out the next section, where you will find all the ways you can imply to update Broadcom BCM20702A0 drivers easily. 

Ways to Update BCM20702A0 Drivers on Your Windows PC

Way #1 – Use Device Manager to Update the Driver

All the drivers on your PC can be found in the Device Manager that you can find on your PC. You can manage your drivers and perform all the actions on them from here. To update your drivers, you can use the Device Manager. Here’s how!

Step 1 – Press Windows + R to open the run search box.
Step 2 – In the run search, use the command devmgmt. msc to open the Device Manager.
Step 3 – Expand the Other Devices tab to find BCM20702A0 drivers in the Device Manager.
Step 4 – Click on the driver to select it and then right-click on the same to find Update Driver Option.

Step 5 – Click on the Update driver and then choose the Search automatically for updates option to initiate the process. The Windows driver update utility will now fetch your driver’s latest updates and install it immediately. Once the update is completed, you can restart your PC, and your Bluetooth error should be fixed.

Way#2 – Download BCM20702A0 Drivers Online

The Windows driver update utility is quite capable of fetching updates. However, it has its downsides as well.

Other than a long process, another issue with the above approach is that sometimes the BCM20702A0 drivers are not visible in the Device Manager. They exist on the system but are unavailable to edit. If you cannot find the drivers, do not worry; the following steps can help you download and install the updates manually. 

Step 1 – Search for BCM20702A0 drivers using your search engine.
Step 2 – You might find multiple results for your query. One of the results that we have tried is Driver Scape.

Step 3 – Click the Driver Scape link to find the latest version of BCM20702A0 drivers.

Step 4 – Click on download, and the driver will be downloaded in a zip file.

Extract the driver file from the zip folder downloaded. You will find a setup file in the folder. Run it and install the BCM20702A0 drivers on your computer easily!

Remember that not all the results you will get after searching for drivers are reliable. Some might even mislead you into downloading third-party software. This is why most users prefer the third fix we have listed below. Check it out!

Way #3 – Download Driver Updates Using Advanced Driver Updater

It is a dedicated driver updater tool you can install and use to find BCM20702A0 driver updates. 

Here’s how the tool works – 

Step 1 – Download and install the application on your PC. You can find the download link below.

Step 2 – Run the Scan to find outdated drivers on your PC. Click on Start Scan Now to initiate the scan.

Step 3 – Once the scan is complete, click Update All to remove all the driver-based anomalies from your PC.

Whether the driver is visible in the device manager or not, if it is causing an error, it exists. And if it exists, the Advanced Driver Updater can fetch its updates. The tool has a dedicated database with millions of drivers, so you need not worry about the source of these drivers and can make the most out of it instantly!

Download & Update BCM20702A0 Drivers Automatically!

All the methods above can help you find the Broadcom BCM20702A0 driver updates easily. If you ask us, we recommend you use Fix #3, as it beats all the traditional barriers you might encounter while downloading a driver and updates all the outdated drivers in a single click. 

Use these methods to resolve driver errors that might be causing issues with your Bluetooth adapter. If these drivers are not enough to resolve the error, try updating Bluetooth drivers.

With that in mind, it’s time to conclude the blog. Hope you find the shared fixes helpful. If you have any other concerns related to BCM20702A0 drivers or connectivity issues, feel free to drop them down, we would love to cover them as well.

Thanks for reading the post. Good Luck!

Next Read: 10 Things You Wish You Knew Before Updating Device Driver

Akshay Peter

Akshay Luke Peters is a writer and blogger for Systweak. He likes to write about off-beat topics and technological awareness. He is also a part musician who likes to explore the future of technology in entertainment and popular media.

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